Map Screen Interface

You may draw a Mind Map on the map screen.

Map Screen
  1. ① MenuDocument-related options include Save, Export, Print, Encrypt, etc.
  2. ② Undo/RedoTo cancel a motion or redo a canceled motion.
  3. ③ ToolTools for map drawing.
  4. ④ Input AreaThe area where a user can draw or edit maps by using a pen.
  5. ⑤ Map TabsMap Tabs in the document is displayed.

Map Screen Menu

Pushing the menu button activates the following menu items.

Map Screen Menu
  1. ① Close MenuTo close the menu window. Or tap on the input area once to close the menu window.
  2. ② SaveTo save the current document in a local area.
  3. ③ EncryptTo generate, modify, or remove a password on the current document.
  4. ④ PrintTo print the current document.
  5. ⑤ ShareTo share the current document.
  6. ⑥ Export as Microsoft OfficeTo export the current document to Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint.
  7. ⑦ HelpTo open a Help web page for the MindMaple Pen.
  8. ⑧ SearchTo search through the text in the current document.
  9. ⑨ SettingsTo display the option window of the MindMaple Pen settings.

Map Screen Tool

Map Templates Tools
  1. ① CalloutTo add a speech balloon to a selected Topic.
  2. ② BoundaryTo tie up Topics in a group.
  3. ③ Growth DirectionTo modify the direction of Subtopics under a selected Topic.
  4. ④ RelationshipTo interlink related Topics.
  5. ⑤ StyleThe style window menu items may be changed depending on the objects selected. You may also modify the styles of Topic, Relationship, and Boundary.
  6. ⑥ ImageTo load and add an image from outside into a map.
  7. ⑦ Drawing ModeFree drawing on the map by using a pen.

Map Screen Map Tab

One document may have multiple maps by using the Map Tab. You may add or delete a map or change the name of a map.

Map Tab
  1. ① Activated MapSelect a map and then it will be displayed on the screen. The currently activated map is displayed.
  2. ② Rename a MapSelect a map whose name is to be changed and then double-tap on the Map Tab. You may edit the name on the name editing window that appears.
  3. ③ Delete a MapYou may delete the map tab by pressing the X button display right beside the map name. If there is only one map, you are unable to delete that map.
  4. ④ Add a Map You may add a map by tapping the button at the edge of the Map Tab. The 'Select Templates' window will appear for any new map addition. Select a template to add a map. ** Press the right-click button of the pen and then tap the Map Tab to delete or rename it.